3.The classification and fragrance and notes of air freshener gas types

Air freshener is a chemical product that has been used in the field of environmental sanitation since the 20th century. It can be divided into: 1. Aerosol type. Refers to canned products that use propellants. When using this type of product, the air freshener in the airtight tank can be sprayed evenly under the pressure generated by the propellant, and form a suspended spray in the air. 2. Spray type. Refers to a micro-spray product that does not use a propellant. Fragrance……


New product air freshener with exclusive design and development and mini-audio styling was launched in 2021

Qingxunmu brand launched a new solid air freshener in 2021, a balm with 190g mini audio-shaped, which is independently designed and produced by our factory and has its own patent number. Since the products have a certain market competitiveness from quality to appearance to pricing, it’s hot selling as soon as it was launched.……


Why should we wash our hands frequently during the epidemic?

With the spread of COVID-19 pandemic, people's awareness of prevention has also been significantly improved. Daily protection is essential. For example, we must pay attention to wearing masks and try to reduce the frequency of going out. Even if we go out, stay away from crowded places. At home at ordinary times, should ventilate more, disinfect more, wash hands frequently, etc.……
